SPPAC Diversity Poster Award Winners 2024

SPPAC Diversity Poster Award Winners 2024

John Wilson III

(Boston University)

Sociodemographic Identity Affects Transition to Adulthood for Autistic Youth and Their Families: Caregiver and Provider Perspectives

Tara Weixel

(Kent State University)

Post-operative Outcomes for Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth and Young Adults who Received Top Surgery as Minors

Courtney Thomas

(Nemours Children’s Health)

Engaging Families of Youth of Color to Refine a Type 1 Diabetes Peer Mentoring Program for Equitable CGM Use

Adora Choquette

(University of Memphis)

Direct and Indirect Effects of Microaggressions and Diabetes-related Stress on HbA1C in Diverse Youth with Type 1 Diabetes

Harrison Powers

(University of Cincinnati)

Body Dissatisfaction and Perceived Sexual Attractiveness Amongst Different Sexual Minority Adolescents and Young Adults.