SPPAC Diversity Service Award Winner 2024

SPPAC Diversity Service Award Winner 2024

Dr. Nelson is Associate Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and an Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology at George Fox University. In addition, her commitment and contribution to JEDI efforts reaches far beyond only her home institution. Even as she has taken on these new roles at George Fox, she was invited back to Kennedy Krieger last summer as visiting faculty in the Summer Residency Program to continue building diversity initiatives in Baltimore. Her incredible work also extends into her community via For Us, By Us Newberg (an organization that supports Black youth in Newberg, Oregon through the creation of spaces and programs that connect the Black community, center Black identity, and affirm Black experiences, and throughout the country/world with her podcast Diverse Joy.

As one of her nominators wrote, "Dr. Nelson’s humor and warmth make topics that seem polarizing in society at large today feel accessible through this delightful podcast and is undoubtedly reshaping general attitudes toward diversity discussions on a large scale. Dr. Nelson is an exemplary model for her commitment to excellence in DEI training, mentorship, education, and applied practice...Aside from her amazing work as an educator, clinician, community-advocate, and researcher, Dr. Nelson is the most approachable and humble person on the planet. She takes on immense responsibility understanding that it will demand much personal sacrifice in her own time with family or friends, yet she continues this work tirelessly."

Other nominators shared, "Since we have known Dr. Nelson, her commitment and intentionality in seeking to improve the work and field of pediatric psychology has left heartfelt impact on us as growing pediatric psychologists, all the individuals she has trained, and the programs and institutions she has service and advise. We are so thankful for the impact she has already had and look forward to seeing the future of her work."

Dr. Nelson's dedication to equitable care for pediatric patients with Sickle Cell Disease and to the mentorship of her students is exceptional and well worth distinction and recognition. The Diversity SIG extends a heartfelt thank you to Dr. Nelson for all that she does and for the person that she is!